01. Automated PDF Drawing Ballooning

1factory delivers the fastest auto-ballooning capability in the industry. Customers can choose between fully-automated or point-and-click ballooning. With either option customers can instantly balloon a drawing, and extract features to a Quality Control Plan with just a few clicks, saving hundreds of man-hours of time each year.

  • Capture: Nom +/-Tol, Min/Max, GD&T, Notes, and Sheet & Zone
  • Insert, Delete, and Renumber Balloons
  • Set Starting Balloon Numbers by Sheet
  • Resize and Move Balloons
  • Rotate or Replace Drawing
  • Set Alpha-Numeric Balloons (e.g. #12left and #12right)
automated pdf ballooning in 1factory software

02. Automated Drawing Revision Comparison

Enjoy fully-automated PDF drawing revision comparison. Instantly find changes across multiple drawing sheets, including:

  • Inserted Features
  • Deleted Features
  • Modified Nominals
  • Modified Tolerances
  • Inserted, deleted, or modified Notes
comparing drawing revisions in 1factory software

03. Quality Control Plans

A Quality Control Plan defines the Bill of Characteristics (what to measure), the associated specifications and tolerances (acceptable range of values), the inspection methods (how to measure), and the sampling rules (how many to measure).

1factory offers many powerful ways to create a plan:

  • From a PDF drawing
  • From a New Revision of a PDF drawing
  • From an XLSX Import
  • By Cloning a Similar Part
  • Via XML or XLSX Import From other ballooning software
  • From a 3D Model (In Beta)

Change History: Every change to a feature is logged to the Plan Change History along with the User Name and a Date & Time Stamp.

Version Control: Plans may be optionally version controlled to track changes to inspection methods and sampling rules that need to be made independently of changes to the part design (i.e. Part Revision Changes).

Group Editing: 1factory makes it easy to apply inspection methods and sampling rules across specifications with powerful group editing capability.

Manufacturing Drawings: Load and balloon manufacturing drawings (Ops or Process Sheets) and include manufacturing dimensions in the Control Plan.

Block / Default Tolerances: Block tolerances can be loaded and are instantly applied to the relevant characteristics. Industry standard tolerances such as ISO 2768 can be selected and applied to the relevant characteristics.

Variable (Numeric), Attribute (Pass/Fail), Calculated Specs: Characteristics may be Variable (i.e. requiring a numeric measurement), Attribute (i.e. requiring a Pass/Fail measurement), or Calculated (derived from one or more characteristics)

Quality Control Plan 1factory

04. Tabulated Parts

If your drawing includes a table of configurations or variants, you create a single QC Plan for the base part number, and then load the configurations into 1factory's Table of Sizes. 1factory automatically generates the inspection plan for each configuration. Tabulated parts may have Each tabulated part This is ideal for product families where each product configuration may have different parameter values such as lengths, diameters, colors, plating types etc.

  • Default Tolerances at the feature and plan level
  • Numeric or Variable Specs
  • Pass/Fail or Attribute Specs
  • Number of Places

05. Spec Library for Industry Standards

Part drawings may often contain references to industry standards. As an example, aerospace hydraulic parts reference the aerospace port standards. 1factory's powerful Spec Library capability allows users to balloon industry standards and create "Spec library" plans that can then be incorporated into many different part plans without having to balloon the standard for every single part.

Spec Libraries are themselves Version Controlled to ensure that your team is working with the correct version of the Spec Library. The "where used" feature allows users to quickly identify all the plans associated with the Spec Library, and flags any plans that are out-of-synch with the latest version of the Spec Library.

06. Composite Plans for Assemblies

Certain assemblies require the re-inspection of component-level dimensions after assembly in addition to any assembly-level checks that need to be performed. For example, after two components are welded, you may need to remeasure some dimensions from each of the components to ensure there has been no distortion.

1factory provides powerful composite-plan capability that automatically links together the parent (assembly) plan and the component plans so that you can inspect each component separately, and also re-inspect certain selected component dimensions along with the completed parent assembly.

  • Assembly Bills of Materials
  • Auto-Linked Parent and Component Plans
  • Composite Inspection with Parent and Selected Component-Level checks

07. First Article, AS9102

1factory speeds-up the First Article Inspection process by automating drawing ballooning, CMM data collection, and report creation. FAI reports can be created in customer or industry standard formats (e.g. AS9102 Rev C format). FAI Data can be easily retrieved via our powerful search.

  • CMM Data Import
  • Automated Reports
  • AS9102 Rev C, Standard Formats
  • FAI Data Management, Search & Retrieval

Partial FAI: Effortlessly select the features needed for a Partial FAI. Eliminating the need to manually delete rows from the AS9102 report or mark rows as "N/A". Prevent missed entries and incomplete reports.

First Article Inspection AS9102 1factory

08. Automated CMM Data Import

1factory supports data imports from a wide variety of digital gages, CMMs, in-circuit testers, and test-fixtures. Capturing data directly from inspection or test equipment eliminates data-entry errors, minimizes the possibility of incomplete or missed inspections, and frees-up a significant amount of QC inspector time.

1factory provides the world's fastest CMM upload capability. Where other software takes 20 minutes to upload CMM data, 1factory loads and parses CMM data files in less than a second.

  • Zeiss / Calypso
  • Mitutoyo
  • CMM Manager
  • Hexagon / PC DMIS
  • Keyence
  • MicroVu
  • Oasis
  • Starrett
  • Cirrus In-Circuit Tester
  • Open DMIS / Rational DMIS
  • Aberlink
  • Verisurf
  • Polyworks
  • and many more...

09. Final Inspection

Inspect finished parts and products. Capture visual and dimensional checks, and associate raw material and outside processing certificates of conformance. Generate Certificate of Conformance (CoC) and final inspection reports for customers in various formats. Sample parameters by selecting Sampling Tables and AQL Levels. Enjoy automated sample size calculation.

  • C=0 (Original and Modified)
  • ANSI Z1.4 General Level I,II, III and Special inspection Levels I,II, III
  • MIL STD 1916 Variable and Attribute
  • Outside Processing Certificates

10. In-Process Inspection

Measure part parameters at the correct step in the manufacturing process. Deploy simple visual controls so that factory technicians can ensure product is free of defects. Filter parameters by Operation Number, Inspection Method, and Sampling Rule to group measurements and speed-up data entry.

Optimize your inspections with three convenient data-entry screen screen layouts:

  • Feature View
  • Parameter View
  • Spreadsheet View

11. SPC

Use individuals charts and Western Electric Rules to control manufacturing processes. Detect trends and anomalies quickly at the point of manufacture. Notify engineers and managers of out-of-control events so that they can take action to bring the process back in-control.

  • Run Chart
  • Histogram
  • Upper & Lower Control Limits (UCL, LCL)
  • Western Electric and Nelson Rules
Run Chart 1factory

12. Process Capability Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk

1factory automatically calculates commonly used Process Capability metrics (Cp, Cpk) and Process Performance metrics (Pp, Ppk). 1factory supports calculations for both normally distributed as well as non-normal data (using non-parametric estimates i.e. the median, 99.5th percentile p(0.995), and the 0.5th percentile values p(.005) to calculate Cp, Cpk for non-normal data.

  • Unilateral and Bilateral Tolerances
  • Process Capability: Cp, Cpk
  • Process Performance: Pp, Ppk
interpreting common process capability histograms 1factory

13. Multi-Parameter Monitoring (Real-Time Charting)

Easily monitor all critical design and manufacturing parameters for a batch of parts. Bring together data from hand-held tools on the factory-floor and from the CMMs and Vision Systems in the QC lab into a single view for machinists. Instantly detect trends and shifts in processes and adjust processes before defective parts are produced.

Group charts by a combination of tags:

  • Operation (Milling, Turning etc.)
  • Inspection Method (e.g. Micrometer, CMM ...)
  • Critical to Quality (CTQ, Critical, Major, Minor, etc.)

14. Incoming Inspection

Inspect incoming components and ingredients. Capture visual and dimensional checks, and associate raw material and outside processing certificates of conformance. Enjoy automated sample size calculation. Use built-in lot switching rules to tighten or reduce inspection requirements based on historical supplier performance.

  • C=0 Sampling Plan
  • ANSI Z1.4 Level I and II Sampling Plan
  • MIL STD 1916 Variable and Attribute Sampling Plans
  • Raw Material Certificates
  • Lot Switching Rules
  • Supplier Performance Dashboard

15. Production Part Approval Process

Customer PPAPs: Save hours of time creating customer requested PPAPs. Eliminate redundant data-entry work by creating once and then automatically re-using the building-blocks of a PPAP: control methods, reaction plans, failure modes, failure effects, causes, detection, and action plans. Output documents include:

  • Process Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (PFMEA)
  • Control Plan
  • Ballooned Drawing
  • Process Flow Diagram
  • Dimensional Results
  • Process Capability Report Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk

Supplier PPAPs: Assign PPAPs to one or more supplier per part and notify suppliers. Define levels and required documents by level. Receive PPAPs from suppliers within 1factory. Review and approve individual requirements and notify suppliers of status change.

  • Define Levels, and Customize Required Documents List
  • Set Reason Codes (Design Change, Vendor Process Change etc.)
  • Set Due Dates and Track Progress
  • Measure Supplier On-Time PPAP Completion Rates
NCR Pareto Chart 1factory

16. Unit Conversion (mm, inch)

1factory provides automated unit conversion from mm to inch and from inch to mm. So if you receive customer drawings in metric (mm) units, you can now balloon your drawing and create your QC Plan in mm, but yet collect all your data in inches, and finally output reports for your customers in mm. With the automated units conversion, you can eliminate calculation errors, and save many man-hours of work

  • mm to inch
  • inch to mm

17. Defect Risk Detection

1factory automatically calculates in-spec % i.e. calculates production yield, and flags high-risk batches and features. You can instantly identify batches that need attention, and then drill-down to see the run-chart and histograms for the high-risk features.

  • In-Spec % and Yields
  • High-Risk Batches
  • High-Risk Features

18. Product Traceability

1factory provides poweerful product traceability capability. Data can be instantly retrieved by Work Order, Batch, Serial Number, Date Code, Operator Name, Gage ID, Measurement Date and Time etc.

As an example, users can instantly identify which work-orders used a particular gage making it easy to limit a recall.

  • Work Order / Job Number
  • Batch Number
  • Date Code
  • Serial Number
  • Cavity Number
  • Spindle Number
  • Gage ID
  • Inspector Name
  • Date & Time


Record and track all non-conformance issues including incoming inspection defects, manufacturing defects, field repair problems, customer complaints, deviations etc. Create and link CAPAs (internal 8Ds) and/or SCARs (supplier 8Ds) with a single click. Access real-time analytics and pareto NCRs by problem type, root cause, month, supplier etc. Manage both part-related and business process (audit) related non-conformances.

  • MRB: Manage the Material Review Board process
  • RMA: Manage the Return Material Authorization (RMA) process
  • Tasks: Assign tasks and ensure completion before NCRs are closed
  • CAPA: Manage internal Corrective Actions and Preventive Actions (8D)
  • SCAR: Manage Supplier Corrective Action Reports (8D)

20. Analytics & Dashboards

Unlike other systems on the market, 1factory provides a suite of built-in lightning-fast analytics that eliminate the need for external (3rd party) analytics or BI tools. With 1factory, you can focus your effort on improving quality and leave the query-building to us. 1factory's built-in analytics include:

  1. Part and Feature-Level Defect Risk: Instantly identify high-risk parts and features with 1factory's automated defect-risk analysis. Analyze run-charts and measure process performance for thousands of measurements across lots.
  2. Incoming Quality: Manage Supplier Performance in DPPM (Defects in Parts per Million) or Percentage terms.
  3. Outbound Quality: Manage Manufacturing Performance in DPPM (Defects in Parts per Million) or Percentage terms by Customer or by Product Family.
  4. Non-Conformances: Pareto NCRs by quantity and cost by Problem Code, Root Cause, Caused By, Supplier, Customer etc.

21. Reports

1factory simplifies and automates the creation of industry-specific reports (e.g. AS9102 FAI report for the aerospace industry) and customer-specific reports (e.g. PPAP Package with custom levels and documents).

1factory provides outputs compatible with many customer required portals (e.g. Net Inspect). This saves hours of file formatting time, allowing users to load customer requested data with just a few clicks. In addition a Custom Reporting Output can be exported to excel and any desired output format can be generated with an Excel Macro.

22. Gage Calibration

Audit Readiness: Easily setup and maintain calibration records for thousands of gages. Log actual calibration data against gage tolerances, attach supplier calibration certs. Receive automated notifications when gages are due for calibration.

Gage Traceability: Record the list of gages used for each inspection. 1factory verifies that each gage used is actually in calibration at the time of use. Simplify gage traceability and recall management by instantly identifying all inspections where a particular gage was used.

  • Gage Make, Model, Serial Number
  • Calibration Due Date
  • As-found (Before Calibration) Data
  • Action Taken (Adjusted, Repaired etc.)
  • As-returned (After Calibration) Data
  • Gage Calibration Reminders
  • Gage Traceability

23. Gage Issue & Return

Simplify Tool-Crib management. Assign storage locations to gages. Issue gages to Job, Operation & Machine, User or Location. Return gages to storage. Print and scan barcode labels to speed-up transactions and eliminate errors. Retrieve detailed gage transaction history with a simple search.

  • Default Storage Locations
  • Default Gage Owners
  • Issue Gages
  • Return Gages
  • Transaction History

24. Gage Kits

Gage Kits make it easy to organize and manage pin gages, thread gages, or other gages that are custom to a Part Number or a Family of Parts. Gage Kits make it easy to find all the gages required for a given part, and reduce the number of transactions the tool-crib has to handle. For example, a kit of 25 gages can be issued or returned with a single transaction, instead of transacting 25 gages individually.

25. Gage R&R (MSA)

Perform Variable Gage R&R with configurable number of operators, parts and trials. Enjoy automated calculations and output reports with with either the ANOVA or Range methods. Make accept / reject decision based on Number of Distinct categories and % Tolerance, % Contribution etc.

  • Variable Gage R&R
  • Attribute Gage R&R (coming soon)
  • ANOVA Method Calculations
  • AIAG (Range) Method Calculations
  • Number of Distinct Categories

26. Approved Vendor List (AVL)

Easily create and manage a list of suppliers. Classify and qualify suppliers (New Supplier, Conditional, Probation, Approved, Disqualified). Ensure suppliers maintain their ISO and other industry-mandated certifications. Receive notifications when supplier certs are about to expire.

Monitor on-going Supplier Quality and On-Time-Delivery Performance. Reduce risk within your supply chain. Features include:

  • Initial Supplier Qualification
  • Scheduled Annual/Biannual Re-qualification
  • Supplier Certification Management
  • Supplier Quality Scorecards
  • Supplier On-Time-Delivery Scorecards

27. Supplier Collaboration

1factory provides powerful real-time supplier collaboration capability. Customers (Buyers of Parts) and Suppliers (Manufacturers of Parts) can exchange ballooned drawings, control plans, inspection data, corrective action reports, PPAPs, and more.

From Customer to Supplier: Customers can assign PPAPs and SCARs to suppliers. Customers can also optionally balloon drawings and share with suppliers.

From Supplier to Customer: Suppliers can submit ballooned drawings, control plans, first articles (FAIs) and on-going production data to customers for review. Customers can review, provide feedback via the built-in messaging system, and approve or reject inspections and PPAPs.

Messaging: A built-in messaging system allows teams from the customer and the supplier to work together to solve problems and improve product quality. All messages are associated with the object (Plan, FAI, Inspection, PPAP or SCAR) being discussed, providing an easy-to-find record of all the changes that happen to the design and to the manufacturing and inspection processes for a part.

28. Lot History Record & Electronic Signatures

1factory provides powerful Lot History Record functionality. 1factory Version Controls Plans, maintains a User-queryable Change History Log for all Objects, and ensures Traceability of Every Measurement (User Name, Date and Time)

The built-in e-signature option allows customers to capture a user's signature every time a unit of work is completed. For each signing, 1factory captures the user's name, digital signature, date and time of signing, and the meaning associated with the signing (e.g. the release of an Inspection Plan, or the Acceptance of a Lot)

Learn more about 1factory's support for Validation and Electronic Signatures here.

29. Multi-Language User-Interface

The 1factory user-interface is available in multiple languages, and each user can work in his or her desired language. Supported languages:

  • English
  • Danish
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portugese
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Mandarin
  • Korean
  • Japanese